RLesser Known Public Domain SongsR List of 193

IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1926 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1926 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.
| A | B | C
| D | E | F
| G | H | I
| J | K | L
| M | N | O
| P | Q | R
| S | T | U
| V | W | X
| Y | Z |
Title | V=Verse C=Chorus N=Note P=Production w=Words m=Music |
1 - 3 $5 ea 4 up $4 ea | |
Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1927 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years. | |||
R-E-M-O-R-S-E Popular Song |
1902 P - Sultan of Sulu | PD Reprint | |
Rabbit's Foot Traditional |
George L. Cobb | PD Reprint | |
Rackety Coo! Popular Song |
1915 - m. Rudolf Friml, w. Otto Harbach | PD Reprint | |
Rag Medley Traditional |
Max Hoffman | PD Reprint | |
Rag Pickers Rag Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rag Sentimental Traditional |
James Scott | PD Reprint | |
Rag-Alley Dream Traditional |
Mattie Harl Burgess | PD Reprint | |
Rag-Time Nightmare Traditional |
Tom Turpin | PD Reprint | |
Rag-Time Skedaddle Ragtime, Music Hall |
1899 - m. George Rosey | PD Reprint | |
Ragging The Baby To Sleep Popular Song |
1912 - m. Lewis F. Muir, w. L. Wolfe Gilbert | PD Reprint | |
Rags and Tatters Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Rags to Burn Traditional |
Frank X. McFadden | PD Reprint | |
Ragtime Betty Traditional |
James Scott | PD Reprint | |
Ragtime Dance Traditional |
1906 - Scott Joplin | PD Reprint | |
Ragtime Nightingale Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Ragtime Oriole Traditional |
James Scott | PD Reprint | |
Ragtime Rags Traditional |
Max Hoffman | PD Reprint | |
Ragtime Violin Popular Song |
1911 - w.m. Irving Berlin | PD Reprint | |
Rah for the Black and Blue College |
N - Johns Hopkins University | PD Reprint | |
Rah Rah College |
N - University of Michigan | PD Reprint | |
Rah Rah C.C.N.Y. College |
N - College of the City of New York | PD Reprint | |
Rah Rah Rah for Midland College |
N - Midland College | PD Reprint | |
Railroad Blues Traditional |
1920 - w. Haven Gillespie, Howard Washington, m. C. Luckeyth Roberts | PD Reprint | |
Railroad Jim Popular Song |
1915 - w.m. Nat H. Vincent | PD Reprint | |
Rain Fall and Wet Becca Lawton Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Rainbow Popular Song |
1908 - m. Percy Weinrich, w. Alfred Bryan | PD Reprint | |
Rainy Day Traditional |
1885 | PD Reprint | |
Rakes of Rochester Traditional |
1750 | PD Reprint | |
Ralph's Ramble to London Traditional |
1890 | PD Reprint | |
Ramble Song College |
PD Reprint | ||
Rambling Sailor Traditional |
V - I am a sailor stout and bold, Long time I've plough'd the ocean; I've fought for king and country too, Won honour and promotion. | PD Reprint | |
Rambling Wreck From Georgia Tech Traditional |
1894 | PD Reprint | |
Ramsgate Assembly Traditional |
1795 | PD Reprint | |
Raslin' Jacob Spiritual |
V - Day is breakin', Jacob, let me go, . . . I will not let you go. C - Raslin' Jacob, let me go . . . I will not let you go. | PD Reprint | |
Rastus Johnson, U.S.A. Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rastus on Parade Ragtime, Music Hall |
1895 - Kerry Mills N - Cakewalk | PD Reprint | |
Raven College |
PD Reprint | ||
Razzazza Mazzazza Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Real Thing March Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rebecca Jane Traditional |
Est 1900 | PD Reprint | |
Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm Popular Song |
1914 - m. Albert Gumble, w. A. Seymour Brown | PD Reprint | |
Recessional Traditional |
1890 - De Koven | PD Reprint | |
Red and Blue College |
N - University of Pennsylvania | PD Reprint | |
Red and Gold College |
N - Simpson College | PD Reprint | |
Red and the Black College |
N - Washington and Jefferson College | PD Reprint | |
Red Flag Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Red Head Popular Song |
1908 - m. Burt Green, w. Irene Franklin | PD Reprint | |
Red House Traditional |
1721 | PD Reprint | |
Red Moon Popular Song |
1922 | PD Reprint | |
Red Peppers Traditional |
Imogene Giles | PD Reprint | |
Red River Valley Folk Song |
1896 N - See 'In The Bright Mohawk Valley' which is the only known PD version. | PD Reprint | |
Red White and Blue Patriotic |
Becket V - O, Columbia, the gem of the ocean. The home of the brace and the free . . . N - Alt Title: O Columbia The Gem Of The Ocean' | PD Reprint | |
Red Wind! Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Red, Red Rose Popular Song |
1908 - m. Will M. Cook, w. Alex Rogers | PD Reprint | |
Reflection Rag Traditional |
1917 - Scott Joplin | PD Reprint | |
Regimental Polka Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Regretful Blues Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Reindeer Traditional |
Joseph Lamb | PD Reprint | |
Reiterlied aus Wallensteins Lager Traditional |
1797 - w. Sciller, m. C.J. Zahn | PD Reprint | |
Reiters Morgengesang Traditional |
1824 - w. Wilhelm Haupf, m. Traditional | PD Reprint | |
Religion Is a Fortune Spiritual |
V - O, religion is a fortune, I really do believe . . . O Sabbaths have no end. C - Where've you been, poor sinner? Where've you been so long? Been low down in the valley for to pray, And I ain't got weary yet. | PD Reprint | |
Religion So Sweet Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Remb'ring Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Remember Boy You're Irish Traditional |
1885 | PD Reprint | |
Remember Me Traditional |
1899 | PD Reprint | |
Remember Thy Traditional |
1890 - C.M. Luse | PD Reprint | |
Remember Thy Creator Children |
F.R. Havergal V - Remember thy Creator now, In these thy youthful days | PD Reprint | |
Remon Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Repasz Band March Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Repose Traditional |
1890 - Gottschalk | PD Reprint | |
Rescue the Perishing Traditional |
w. Fanny J. Crosby, m. William F. Doane | PD Reprint | |
Rest for the Weary Traditional |
1885 - Dadmun | PD Reprint | |
Resurrection Morn Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Retreat Traditional |
1885 - m. T. Hastings, w. H. Stowell V - From ev'ry stormy wind that blows, From ev'ry swelling tide of woes | PD Reprint | |
Return of the Conqueror Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Reunion Words for the Princeton Chorale College |
PD Reprint | ||
Reveille Patriotic |
Middle Age | PD Reprint | |
Revenge Traditional |
1790 | PD Reprint | |
Reverie Debussy Traditional |
1895 - Debussy | PD Reprint | |
Review Traditional |
1765 | PD Reprint | |
Rhoda and Her Pagoda Popular Song |
1899 | PD Reprint | |
Rhode Island Hornpipe Traditional |
1823 | PD Reprint | |
Rich Man and the Poor Man Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
The Riddle | See I Gave My Love a Cherry | ||
Riddle Song Folk Song |
1850 - w.m. Appalachian-English, Collected by Cecil J. Sharp V - I gave my love a cherry that has no stones, I gave my love a chicken than has no bones, I gave my love a ring that has no end, I gave my love a baby tha's no cry-en. | PD Reprint | |
Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross Children |
V - Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross, To see a fine lady upon a white horse, Rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes. | PD Reprint | |
Ride On Spiritual |
V - Some of dese mornin's bright an' fair, Don't you wan' t' go t' Hebben in de mornin'? Take my flight up to de skies . . . C - Ride on, ride on, ride on King Emanuel. Don't you wan' t' go t' Hebben in de mornin'? | PD Reprint | |
Ride on King Jesus Spiritual |
V - I was young when I began, No man can-a hinder me, But now my race is almost done, No man can-a hinder me. C - Ride on King Jesus! No man can-a hinder me. | PD Reprint | |
Rig-a-jig Traditional |
1885 | PD Reprint | |
Right Church But The Wrong Pew (You Popular Song |
1908 - m. Chris Smith, w. Cecil Mack | PD Reprint | |
Right Girl Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Ring a Ring a Rosie, A Bottle Full of Posie Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Ring Around A Rosy Children |
V - Ring around a rosy, Sit upon a posy, All the girls in our town, Vote for Uncle Josie. | PD Reprint | |
Ring de Banjo Traditional |
1851 - Stephen Collins Foster | PD Reprint | |
Rings on My Fingers | See I've Got Rings On My Fingers | ||
Rio Nights Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rip Van Winkle Slept With One Eye Open Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rip Van Winkle Was A Lucky Man Popular Song |
1901 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome | PD Reprint | |
Ripples Rag Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rise and Fall Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rise and Shine Spiritual |
V - Jesus carry the young lambs in his bosom, bosom . . . For de year ob Juberlee. C - Oh, rise an' shine, an' give God de glory, glory . . . for de year of Juberlee. | PD Reprint | |
Rising of the Lark Traditional |
1830 | PD Reprint | |
Road Song Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Road to Georgia Traditional |
1859 - Dan Emmett | PD Reprint | |
Road to the Isles Traditional |
Traditional Hebrides | PD Reprint | |
Roam the Greenwood Dragert Traditional |
1890 | PD Reprint | |
Robardina Rag Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Robber Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Robin Hood's Preferment Traditional |
1882 | PD Reprint | |
Robin Robin Children |
Alfred S. Gatty V - Dear little Robin, perch's up in a tree. Chirping and hopping so happy and free. | PD Reprint | |
Robin Ruff Traditional |
1885 - m. Henry Russell V - If I had but a thousand a year, Gaffer Green . . . What a man would I be, and what sights would I see, If I had but a thousand a year. | PD Reprint | |
Robins' Return Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Robinson Crusoe Children |
V - I ride my pony everywhere, You'd know him by his shaggy hair. | PD Reprint | |
Rock Me in My Swanee Cradle Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rock Me to Sleep Mother Traditional |
1885 - m. Ernest Leslie V - Backward, turn backward, oh, time in your flight. Make me a child again just for tonight! | PD Reprint | |
Rock o' Jubilee Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Rock o' My Soul Spiritual |
c. 1830 V - Rock o' my soul in de bosom of Abraham, rock o' my soul in de bosom of Abraham . . . Lord, rock o' my soul. | PD Reprint | |
Rock of Ages Hymn |
Thomas Hastings V - Rock of ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. | PD Reprint | |
Rock of Ages Hastings Traditional |
1832 - Hastings | PD Reprint | |
Rocking Chair Dream Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rocks of Snowdon Traditional |
1830 | PD Reprint | |
Roll De Ole Chariot Along Spiritual |
V - We are travelin' from mansion, to mansion, to manions . . Ef ye don't hang on behin' C - Oh, roll de ole chariot along . . . Ef ye don't hang on behin'. | PD Reprint | |
Roll dem Bones College |
V - Baby needs a new pair of shoes; Come on seven, Come, eleven! But he won't get them if I lose Come on, seven, Come, eleven! C - Roll dem bones . . . roll dem on de square. Roll dem on de sidewalk, the street, or anywhere. . . Well, I'll roll dem bones de whole day long, When de cops are out of sight. | PD Reprint | |
Roll Dem Roly Boly Eyes Popular Song |
1912 - w.m. Eddie Leonard | PD Reprint | |
Roll Jordan Roll Traditional |
1865 | PD Reprint | |
Roll On Spiritual |
V - When I was blind and could not see, King Jesus brought that light to me. C - Roll on, roll on, sweet moments roll on, And let these poor pilgrims go home, go home. | PD Reprint | |
Roll the Cause Along Traditional |
1899 | PD Reprint | |
Roll the Union On Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Roll Them Cotton Bales Popular Song |
1914 - m. J. Rosamond Johnson, w. James W. Johnson, Bob Cole | PD Reprint | |
Roll, Jordan, Roll Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Rolling Stones (All Come Rolling Home Again) Popular Song |
1916 - m. Archie Gottler, w. Edgar Leslie | PD Reprint | |
Roman College |
PD Reprint | ||
Romance of Love Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Romany Life Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Romeo and Juliet Traditional |
1871 - Tchaikovsky | PD Reprint | |
Roodelum a-Doodelum Traditional |
1899 | PD Reprint | |
Room for Ramblers Traditional |
1719 | PD Reprint | |
Rooster Rag Traditional |
1917 - Muriel Pollock | PD Reprint | |
Rory O'Moore Traditional |
V - Young Rory O'Moore courted Kathleen Bawn. He was bold as a hawk and she soft as the dawn. He wish'd in his heart pretty Kathleen to please | PD Reprint | |
Rosa Lee Traditional |
1885 V - When I liv'd in Tennessee, U-li-a-li o-la-e, I went courtin' Rosa Lee. U-li-a-li o-la-e, Eyes as dark as winter night, Lips are red as berry bright. C - U-li-a-li o-la-e, Courtin' down in Tennessee, U-li-a-li o-la-e, 'Neath the wild Banana tree. | PD Reprint | |
Rosalie Traditional |
1885 | PD Reprint | |
Rosalie the Prairie Flower Traditional |
1850's - G.F. Wurzel, Root | PD Reprint | |
Rosamund Arne Traditional |
1732 | PD Reprint | |
Rosary Traditional |
1898 - Nevin | PD Reprint | |
Rose Leaf Rag Traditional |
1907 - Scott Joplin | PD Reprint | |
Rose of Alabama Traditional |
1885 | PD Reprint | |
Rose of Killarney Traditional |
1876 - m. J. R. Thomas, w. George Cooper V - Oh, promise to meet me when twilights is falling, Beside the bright waters that slumber so fair; Each bird in this meadow your name will be calling C - Sweet (Dear) Rose of Killarney, Mavourneen Astore ! | PD Reprint | |
Rose Of No Man's Land Popular Song |
1918 - m. Joseph A. Brennan, w. Jack Caddigan | PD Reprint | |
Rose Of The Rio Grande Popular Song |
1922 - m. Ross Gorman, Harry Warren, w. Edgar Leslie | PD Reprint | |
Rose Of The World Popular Song |
1908 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Glen MacDonough | PD Reprint | |
Rose Of Tralee Popular Song |
1846 - m. Charles William Glover, w. Edward Mordaunt Spencer V - The pale moon was rising above the green mountain, The sun was declining beneath the blue sea; C - Oh no, 'twas the truth in her eyes ever dawning, That made me love Mary, the Rose of Tralee. | PD Reprint | |
Rose Room Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rose Room (in Sunny Roseland) Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Roses College |
PD Reprint | ||
Roses Bring Dreams Of You Popular Song |
1908 - w.m. Herbert Ingraham | PD Reprint | |
Roses for Remembrance Traditional |
Traditional | PD Reprint | |
Roses from the South Traditional |
Strauss | PD Reprint | |
Rosie Make It Rosy For Me Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Rosie's Young Man Traditional |
English Music Hall | PD Reprint | |
Rosseau's Dream Traditional |
1849 | PD Reprint | |
Rosy Crown Traditional |
w.m. D. Dutton, C.M. von Weber V - A rosy crown we twine for thee, Of Flora's richest treasure. We lead thee forth to dance and glee | PD Reprint | |
Rough And Rolling Sea Spiritual |
V - Farewell, farewell to my only child, Like a rough and a rolling sea. C - . . . The lightnings flashed And the thunders rolled . . . The storms beat high And the winds blew fierce . . . | PD Reprint | |
Roumania Traditional |
1920 - Clarence Williams, Dave Peyton, Spencer Williams | PD Reprint | |
Round Traditional |
1701 | PD Reprint | |
Round and Round the Village Children |
V - Round and round the village, As we have done before. | PD Reprint | |
Round Her Neck She Wears a Yeller Ribbon Traditional |
1917 N - Originally All Around My Hat, 1830's | PD Reprint | |
Round O Traditional |
1709 | PD Reprint | |
Round on the Major Scale Traditional |
1890 - Goodband | PD Reprint | |
Round the Corn, Sally Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Rouse Ye Christian Women Traditional |
1899 | PD Reprint | |
Rout. The Traditional |
1849 | PD Reprint | |
Row Yale Row College |
PD Reprint | ||
Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch Traditional |
1885 | PD Reprint | |
Royal Purple College |
N - Williams College | PD Reprint | |
Rub-a-Dub-Dub Traditional |
N - Lyrics PD. No well known PD tune associated with this nursery rhyme. | PD Reprint | |
Rudelsburg Traditional |
w. 1826, m - w. Franz Kugler, m. F.E. Fesca | PD Reprint | |
Rufenreddy Traditional |
1922 - Roy Bargy | PD Reprint | |
Rufty Tufty Traditional |
1650 | PD Reprint | |
Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown (What You Going' to Do When the Rent Comes 'Round?) | See What You Goin' To Do When The Rent Comes 'Round | ||
Ruggleton's Daughter of Iero Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Ruins of Athens Traditional |
Beethoven | PD Reprint | |
Rule Britannia Traditional |
1740 V - When Britain first at heav'n's command Arose from out the azure main, Arose, arose, arose from out the azure main. C - Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves, Britons never will be slaves. | PD Reprint | |
Rule Death In His Arms Spiritual |
V - When God commanded Michael in the morning, To stretch at dividing line, With the sheep upon his right hand side, And the goats upon his left. C - O didn't Jesus rule Death in His arm, Yes, rule Death in His arms, On the other side of Jordan, Ah! rule Death in His arms. | PD Reprint | |
Rum Tum Tiddle Popular Song |
1911 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. Edward Madden | PD Reprint | |
Rum-ske-ko College |
PD Reprint | ||
Rumsty Ho College |
PD Reprint | ||
Run Mary, Run Spiritual |
V - Fire in de east an' fire in de west, I know de oder worl' 'm not like dis, Bound to burn de wilderness . . . C - Run Mary run, run Mary run, O run Mary run, I know de oder worl' 'm not like dis | PD Reprint | |
Run, Nigger, Run Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Runnin' Wild Popular Song |
1922 - m. Harrington Gibbs, w. Joel Gray, Leo Wood | PD Reprint | |
Russian Army Grand March Entr Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Russian Rag Traditional |
1918 - George L. Cobb N - From Rachmaninoff Prelude | PD Reprint | |
Rustic Reel Traditional |
1849 | PD Reprint | |
Ryan's Rattler Traditional |
Est 1900 | PD Reprint |